**The Complete Guide to Humans**((Those are the things with tails, right?)) by //T.Shnuck// is a series of mementos create by the Shnuck. They come in the form of chapters, starting with the introduction. Each of the memento's "use" give out a few snippets for each chapters. ====== List Of Chapters So Far ====== * **Complete Guide to Humans by T.Shnuck - Introduction** You hold a few loose pages which contain the introduction chapter to the Complete Guide to Humans by T.Shnuck. * **Complete Guide To Humans by T.Shnuck - Chapter 1** You hold a few loose pages on which the //Complete Guide to Humans by T.Shnuck - Chapter 1: Care and Maintenance// is written. * **Complete Guide to Humans by T.Shnuck - Chapter 2** You hold a copy of the Complete Guide to Humans by T.Shnuck - Chapter 2: Anatomy and Variations.