Just know, this page is pretty out of date. Don't trust it 100%, nor 200%, and especially not 395%. Clans, previously called [[guilds]], are organizations of contestants that attempt to help out other members of their organization. Common ways of helping each other are by providing answers to questions about the [[Improbable Island|Island]], giving gifts of equipment, and spending [[cigs]] to develop [[clan buffs]] which are enormously helpful to clan members during [[jungle]] fights. If you see one of your fellow clan members in the fields, instead of attacking them, perform your own Secret Handshake correctly and you will each receive a positive buff for the rest of the day. Clans on the Island include: * The Improbable Zednoughts * The Thirteenth Improbable Guard * Association of Alternate Characters * The Association of Exceedingly Ordinary Gentlemen * <[[AIB]]> Amity in Bedlam * Clan of the Almighty Liquid Enjoyment * Ankhet * A Ninja is You * Apropos of Nothing * Association of Slaughter and Shiny * Assembly of Verbose Orators Initiating Dialog * Brains And Knowledge Association * <[[BASE]]> Brave and Silly Explorers ((Best Clan Ever!)) * Escaped Lunatics * The Bunny and Gunn Show * Society of Book Lovers * Improbably Explosive Contestants * Brewers of Really Excellent Wiquor * <[[BUILD]]> Building Ultimately Irrelevant Little Dwellings * Riders of the Bloody Bun * <[[CAKE]]> Classy Avengers and Knights-Errant * Cephalopod Admission Troupe * <[[CHAOS]]> Causing High Amounts of Strangeness * Crafters of Improbability * Clan of No Name * Crazy Laughing Organisms Without Niceties * Can't Remember A Fucking Thing * Dimensionally Accelerated Frontier Trespassers * 'Red Demons' Mercenary Company * [[Aleatory Ensemble]] * Et cetera - eT cetera - et Cetera * Elegant Villains' Infamy League * The FailBoat Crew * <[[FNORD]]> The Erisian Movement for Improbability * <[[GERM]]> General Engineering Racketeering 'n Musical Guild * Our Guiding Light as Divinity * Heart of Gold * Itinerant's Crossroad * The Great Treasure Finding Organization * Underworld * Heroic Allies Riding Extreme Monsters * Hamusutaa * the Headwear Alliance for a better Tomorrow * Highly Envible Living Legends * Helping Every Little Person * Helpful Ends Rewarding Obligations * Cult of The Hive-Mind * The Hermetic Order of the Bronze Octopus * [[The Wayfarer's Gambit]] * The legion of how * MS Paint Adventurers * Huked On Fonix * Improbable Broadcasting Network * <[[ICEE]]> Inorganic Catlike Enlongated Elements * Team Redundancy Team * Individuals Desiring Knowledge * Improbable Island Irregulars * Improbable Island Rangers * ImprobableIslandIndependentlyImportantIndividuals * Imperious Masquerade Organization * Contestant Jbow Fancier Association * The Casual Followers of Jay * Khimeros Just imagine * <[[KIND]]> Good Friends and Citizens * Knights of the Black Rage * Knights of the Decagonal Table * League of Abject Immorality and Debauchery * Legion of Dynamic Discord * Lion Hunting Task Force * The Legendary Order of the Crimson Kiss * League of Silly Gentle-folk * <[[MAAT]]> Meeting of Abrrant Academics and Tricksters * The Association of Metagamers * <[[MICE]]> Hyper-Intelligent Pan-Dimensional Beings * Making Interesting New Discoveries * Order of Sepulchritude * Milliways Refugee Center * M-W-P * MY Solitary Traverse * [[The Dead Parrot Society]] * Noob-Friendly Folk * Alter of Night * Ninjas in near Juxtaposed Awesomeness * Neither Official Nor Educational * Nox - darkness for the light * Organized Chaos and Deviance * The Odd Squad * One Man Gang * Genuflect * <[[owls_clan|OWLS]]> Night Owls * Mary-Jane Fan Club * Mother Earth Warrior Clan * People Eating Tasty Animals * Phantom Legion * Police Officers Patrolling Outposts * Protectors of Skaia * <[[the_queen_s_pirates|PRAT]]> Pirates Raiding And Terrorizing * The Purple Gang * Questor's Urbane Enlightenment Social Tower * <[[QQQ]]> Quack Quack Quack * Redeeming Attributes Expected Please * Gambler's Guild * <[[ROGUE]]> Rather Outrageous GAthering Unclear on Everything * Random Squad * Reasonably Unfriendly Nerds * Red vs Blue * Sad Patrol * Society for the Anti-Social * <[[SAVOR]]> The Soaring Amphitheatre Venture * Erisian Order of Chaos ShadowCorps Division * Screwdrivers * Supply Crate Retrevial Team * Clan Starfire * Swordfighters Alliance * Friends of the Shadows * Shinigami * Shadow Knights * Smuggler's Guild * Sanctum of Dirt * Sorting Owls from Lesser Organisms * The Red Spades * <[[SPARC]]> Sweet Playful Amusing Renegade Clan * <[[SPICE]]> Society for Preservation of Improbability * Stygian Pirate Trade * Browncoats * Serious Roleplayer Society * Super Seiyan Sentai * Surreptitious Travelers of the Astral Realm * <[[SUGAR]]> Bureau of Improbability Generation * Surly You Cannot Be Serious * <[[SWEET]]> The SWEET Clan ((Formerly known as "Rockin' Into Mordor Onedux/Twodux/Tridux")) * Sure Why Not * Writers * Chaps in Search of a Decent Cup of Tea * Experimental Mindset * The Improbably Normal Clan * The Knights Who Say Ni * Travelers and Radical Doctors into Shenanigans * Tactical Supremacy * Totally Useful Non-Entity Storage * Torchwood * The Watcher's Disciples * <[[TYPES]]> Typical Youths Purposefully Evading Sanity * The Viking Metalheads * <[[WATCH]]> The Watch * <[[WENCH]]> Wench's Experimental New Club House * [[The Academy]] * Yeast and Hop oligarchy * Yetis Ogle Lovely Ogresses * Shaco * Zenarchy * The Last Clan Former clans((Both of these lists are current as of 10/25/2012)) include: * <[[ALT]]> Alliance Lacking Taste * Scholomance Debate Team * [[Fluffy Cuddle Bunnies]] * Annoying Natural Green Eagle Legion * Brewmasters Guild * Boatmurdered * [[Collateral Damage Adventuring Guild]] * <[[CIA]]> Centre of Improbability Administrators * Central Probable Unit * Crab Head Zombies * black goat with a thousand young * <[[FUN]]> Freelance Urban Nomads * <[[GEO]]> Geohashers Expedition Organization * Knights of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch * [[International Brotherhood of Henchpersons, Minions, and Lackeys]] * Jestfully Enjoying Recurrent Kitschy Schadenfreude * Krumpdux * Kinky Gallivanting Bastards * <[[LDD]]> Legion of Dynamic Discord * Dos Llamas * Muthas of the Hats * The Order of Nothing * <[[Nox]]> Equinox Clan * Organized Chaos and Deviance * Olde Tyme Guild of Dystinguished Gentlemen * <[[PPP]]> * Redeeming Attributes Expected Please * Raven Nation * <[[SOUR]]> Society Of Unlimited Requisition * [[there is no spoon]] * Taking Advantage of Mankind Every Day * Very Improbable Ludicrous Extras * Waa Waa * Dragon Riding Adventurers of Space and Time