**[[germ_compendium_nonsensica|The GERM Compendium Nonsensica Presents]]-** [[Johnson]], in ==== the Johnson index: ==== 1. [[germ_coppers|when coatracks learn to be real boys, alarums are raised]] 2. [[a_wedding_day_for_bryn_and_GK|when norse gods have their children to bless, weddings may occur]] 3. [[when_Johnson_and_Miss_Hellebore_became_home_invaders|running from swamp monsters, we find a cottage with three bowls of porridge]]((metaphorically speaking. more like blueberry pancakes, pens and Rossini's Petit Messe Sollennelle.)) 4. [[mudlarking5|frog-days by the fountain]] 5. [[in_the_greenhouse_things_grow_wild| in the greenhouse, things grow wild]] 6. [[the_life_of_institutional_green|dead dogs and early days, in the Hall we're painting vegetables green]] 7. [[the_duel_of_the_french_fries| when trapped in a diner sign, swoon for the boys to duel.]]((now with 50% more fries!)) 8. [[germ_paperwork:index|almost drown in a sea of paper, then threaten people's kneecaps before being chloroformed]]