// ==UserScript== // @name ii-murderous-rampage // @namespace enquirer.improbableisland.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=greasemonkey // @match *://*.improbableisland.com/* // @exclude *://enquirer.improbableisland.com/* // @description does fights forever (auto-fighing, if need-be). Declines most Improbable Events (accepts a couple good ones). Works in the Jungle, DB, etc. // @icon http://improbableisland.com/favicon.ico // @version 2.0 // @author Full Metal Lion // @grant none // ==/UserScript== console.log("ii-murderous-rampage here"); let onlyFightIfWeHaveCats = false; //replace "false" with "true" here to only fight if you have cats ops = [ "search&stam=search", //look for trouble "search&type=slum", //easy fight "search&type=thrill", //big trouble "search&type=suicide", //really big trouble "search", //fight in FailBoat "fight&auto=full", //auto-fight Until Somebody Drops "fight&auto=ten", //if full is unavailable, like in DB "no", //cryptic riddle guy, iirc "ignoreferryman", //ferryman "back", //rps mutant, iirc "leave", //trail "leavestonehenge", //stonehenge "swing", //pinata yes (comment this out to not swing at the pinata) "noswing", //pinata no "chicken", //strange old man "dont", //broth joker "play", //crazy audrey yes "run", //crazy audrey no "pre", //begin mighty magpie and tattoo mutant fight "wait", //tattoo mutant yes / DB "Hang on just a moment" "flee", //tattoo mutant no "nextfight" //the game is forcing you into another fight in DB or possibly a Breach ]; function catcheck(){ //check if we have cats let ret = false; let typesOfCats = ["Angry Cats", "SpiderKitties and Fuel for the SpiderKitty Launcher"]; for (let c of typesOfCats){ ret = ret || (document.getElementById("stat_buffs").innerHTML.indexOf(c)!= -1); } return ret; } if ( onlyFightIfWeHaveCats || catcheck() ){ for (let op of ops){ console.log("looking for: "+op); url = document.querySelector('a[href*="op='+op+'"]'); console.log("found: "+url); if(url){//must check for falsiness or else a null will crash the program here window.location.href = url;//go directly to the url we found break; //do not pass go do not collect $200 //if you don't include break then this script will continue and go to the wrong links } } }